This way we can run tests immediately after website build instead of having to rely on a schedule and wait
08-03-2022 -
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Eugene Cheah
UPDATE - we would be taking the following approach (unless feedback is given otherwise)
1) Jobs can be scheduled, without a specific date/time
2) Jobs will have a specific webhook trigger endpoint, which can be used with your accesskey
3) Said webhook trigger endpoint, should return with a URL to view the result/status. Note: due to potential timeout issues, the result will not be part of the webhook.
1. I don't see the need for this since it can be done via CLI
2. Would be much much much more useful if Uilicious would send a webhook to any endpoint the user gives with test results. This in combination with using the CLI in async. The main issue we face now is the timeout and this would be a solid solution.
3. I don't see why would webhooks be linked to a specific jobs, they should just be defined once on the project level and then the user can filter what he wants.
I build WordPress websites, and after I do updates, I'm always browsing across my sites to see if anything broke visually. Maybe something like a hook for each test that I've set up in Uilicious. Then I can hook into a WordPress hook like plugin-updated or something like that to trigger these tests automatically.
My use case for this feature would be to connect it up to my no-code development environment ( When I deploy to test I want to trigger test automation. They don't support this yet but I've also put in a request to support "CI/CD" abilities
Sorry for late reply but running a scheduled monitoring test would be my preference. There I can bundle a set of tests that I want to run on deployment. Probably different sets when I deploy to test or deploy to production.
Btw scheduling in that sense wouldn't be needed since the monitoring is triggered via this API call. I saw there is a CLI but Bildr is a development environment in the cloud / Browser. Triggering via CLI is not an (automated) option in this setting.
HTH, Jeroen
Asking for clarity, as its quite possible that this was not possible in your current build flow. Or is something we need to improve making it more visible in the docs.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Eugene Cheah
UPDATE - we would be taking the following approach (unless feedback is given otherwise)
1) Jobs can be scheduled, without a specific date/time
2) Jobs will have a specific webhook trigger endpoint, which can be used with your accesskey
3) Said webhook trigger endpoint, should return with a URL to view the result/status. Note: due to potential timeout issues, the result will not be part of the webhook.
Andrey Kholkin
1. I don't see the need for this since it can be done via CLI
2. Would be much much much more useful if Uilicious would send a webhook to any endpoint the user gives with test results. This in combination with using the CLI in async. The main issue we face now is the timeout and this would be a solid solution.
3. I don't see why would webhooks be linked to a specific jobs, they should just be defined once on the project level and then the user can filter what he wants.
Eugene Cheah
Hi everyone, noticed this has been upvoted several times - after its been resolved for Leon (using the CLI)
If this use case is useful to you, please clarify if you would want the webhook support for
- running a test
- or running a job
- or either
Joe Fletcher
I build WordPress websites, and after I do updates, I'm always browsing across my sites to see if anything broke visually. Maybe something like a hook for each test that I've set up in Uilicious. Then I can hook into a WordPress hook like plugin-updated or something like that to trigger these tests automatically.
Eugene Cheah
Thanks for the feedback - for clarification, would you want hooks to run a test, or run a scheduled monitoring test?
Joe Fletcher
Regular test, but I suppose either would work. Just looking for a way to programmatically trigger a test via API or webhook.
Jeroen van Menen
My use case for this feature would be to connect it up to my no-code development environment ( When I deploy to test I want to trigger test automation. They don't support this yet but I've also put in a request to support "CI/CD" abilities
Eugene Cheah
Thanks for the feedback - for clarification, would you want hooks to run a test, or run a scheduled monitoring test?
In addition what sort of hooks is supported on bildr, when it notify you of a deploy?
Jeroen van Menen
Sorry for late reply but running a scheduled monitoring test would be my preference. There I can bundle a set of tests that I want to run on deployment. Probably different sets when I deploy to test or deploy to production.
Btw scheduling in that sense wouldn't be needed since the monitoring is triggered via this API call. I saw there is a CLI but Bildr is a development environment in the cloud / Browser. Triggering via CLI is not an (automated) option in this setting.
HTH, Jeroen
Eugene Cheah
Thanks for the clarification =)
Eugene Cheah
Hi Leon, is this something you could not achieve with our CLI :
Asking for clarity, as its quite possible that this was not possible in your current build flow. Or is something we need to improve making it more visible in the docs.
Leon Hong
Yes! sorry I missed the entire cli section in the docs. I think I was just looking for the words API and webhooks, but this clearly works for me
Eugene Cheah
Its ok, this is valid feedback - as we are making changes to the doc's to improve its readability